
作者:   来源:  发布日期:2015-03-09 浏览次数:






  研究经历:1994年晋升讲师,1999年晋升副教授,2000年遴选为硕士研究生导师,2004年晋升教授,2005年遴选为博士研究生导师。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金项目3项,国家转基因专项任务3项,博士点基金项目1项,陕西省科技发展项目2项,杨凌科研专项1项,西藏“一江两河” 农业开发项目3项,校青年基金2项。发表学术论文150余篇,参加编写教材、专著等10部。






  1. 默克兽医手册,2016,北京 中国农业出版社,副主译

  2. 执业兽医资格考试应试指南. 2009-2014,北京  农业出版社

  3. 家畜生殖内分泌学(统编教材). 2007, 北京  高等教育出版社

  4. 兽医产科学(面向21世纪课程教材). 2009,  2013, 北京  农业出版社

  5. 兽医产科学实习指导. 2009,  2013,  北京  农业出版社


  Chen F, Lin P, Wang N, Yang D, Wen X, Zhou D, Wang A, and Jin Y. 2016. Herp depletion inhibits zearalenone-induced cell death in RAW 264.7 macrophages.  Toxicol In Vitro , 32: 115-22.

  Chen F, Wang N, Yang D, Wen X, Mahmoud T N, Zhou D, Tang K, Lin P, Wang A, and Jin Y. 2016. Herp depletion arrests the S phase of the cell cycle and increases estradiol synthesis in mouse granulosa cells. J Reprod Dev. 2016 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print]

  Mahmoud T N, Lin P F, Chen F L, Zhou J H, Wang X G, Wang N, Li X, and Jin Y P. 2016. Corrigendum Expression and Localization of Luman/CREB3 in Mouse Embryos during the Pre-implantation period.  Genet. Mol. Res.  14 (4): 13595-13602. Published online: October 28, 2015 (DOI: 10.4238/2015.October.28.20). Corrected after publication: January 22, 2016 (DOI: 10.4238/gmr.150156091).

  Wang X, Lin P, Li Y, Xiang C, Yin Y, Chen Z, Du Y, Zhou D, Jin Y, and Wang A. 2016. Brucella suis Vaccine Strain 2 Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress that Affects Intracellular Replication in Goat Trophoblast Cells In vitro.  Front Cell Infect Microbiol , 6: 19. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2016.00019.

  Yang Y, Pei X, Jin Y, Wang Y, and Zhang C. 2016. The roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress response in female mammalian reproduction.  Cell Tissue Res , 363(3): 589-597.

  Chen F, Li Q, Zhang Z, Lin P, Lei L, Wang A, and Jin Y. 2015. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Cooperates in Zearalenone-Induced Cell Death of RAW 264.7 Macrophages.  Int J Mol Sci , 16(8): 19780-19795.

  Chen F L, Li Q, Zhang J Y, Lei L J, Zhang Z, Mahmoud T N, Wang X G, Lin P F, Jin Y P, and Wang A H. 2015. Silencing effect of lentiviral vectors encod-ing shRNA of Herp on endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammatory responses in RAW 264.7 macrophages.  Genet Mol Res , 14(4): 17587-17598.

  Cui C, Song Y, Liu J, Ge H, Li Q, Huang H, Hu L, Zhu H, Jin Y, and Zhang Y. 2015. Gene targeting by TALEN-induced homologous recombination in goats directs production of beta-lactoglobulin-free, high-human lactoferrin milk.  Sci Rep , 5(10482).

  Lin P, Chen F, Sun J, Zhou J, Wang X, Wang N, Li X, Zhang Z, Wang A, and Jin Y. 2015. Mycotoxin zearalenone induces apoptosis in mouse Leydig cells via an endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent signalling pathway.  Reprod Toxicol , 52: 71-77.

  Song Y, Cui C, Zhu H, Li Q, Zhao F, and Jin Y. 2015. Expression, purification and characterization of zinc-finger nuclease to knockout the goat beta-lactoglobulin gene.  Protein Expr Purif , 112:1-7.

  Wang X, Lin P, Yin Y, Zhou J, Lei L, Zhou X, Jin Y, and Wang A. 2015. Brucella suis vaccine strain S2-infected immortalized caprine endometrial epithelial cell lines induce non-apoptotic ER-stress.  Cell Stress Chaperones , 20(3): 399-409

  Zhang Y, Chen Q, Zhang H, Wang Q, Li R, Jin Y, Wang H, Ma T, Qiao J, and Duan E. 2015. Aquaporin-dependent excessive intrauterine fluid accumulation is a major contributor in hyper-estrogen induced aberrant embryo implantation.  Cell Res , 25(1): 139-42.

  Zhou J, Dai R, Lei L, Lin P, Lu X, Wang X, Tang K, Wang A, and Jin Y. 2015. Establishment and evaluation of a stable steroidogenic goat Leydig cell line.  Anim Sci J . 2016, 87(4):492-502

  Chen F, Lin P F, Li X, Sun J, Zhang Z, Du E, Wang A, and Jin Y P. 2014. Construction and expression of lentiviral vectors encoding recombinant mouse CREBZF in NIH 3T3 cells.  Plasmid , 76: 24-31.

  Li Q, Wang Y S, Wang L J, Zhang H, Li R Z, Cui C C, Li W Z, Zhang Y, and Jin Y P. 2014. Vitamin C supplementation enhances compact morulae formation but reduces the hatching blastocyst rate of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos.  Cell Reprogram , 16(4): 290-297.

  Lin P, Jin Y, Lan X, Yang Y, Chen F, Wang N, Li X, Sun Y, and Wang A. 2014. GRP78 expression and regulation in the mouse uterus during embryo implantation.  J Mol Histol , 45(3): 259-268.

  Lan X, Jin Y, Yang Y, Lin P, Hu L, Cui C, Li Q, Li X, and Wang A. 2013. Expression and localization of Luman RNA and protein during mouse implantation and decidualization.  Theriogenology , 80(2): 138-44. e1-2.

  Lin P, Chen F, Wang N, Wang X, Li X, Zhou J, Jin Y, and Wang A. 2013. CREBZF expression and hormonal regulation in the mouse uterus.  Reprod Biol Endocrinol , 11(110).

  Lin P, Lan X, Chen F, Yang Y, Jin Y, and Wang A. 2013. Reference gene selection for real-time quantitative PCR analysis of the mouse uterus in the peri-implantation period.  PLoS One , 8(4): e62462.

  Liu W, Chen Z, Ma Y, Wu X, Jin Y, and Hou S. 2013. Genetic characterization of the Drosophila birt-hogg-dube syndrome gene.  PLoS One , 8(6): e65869.

  Ma Y, Chen Z, Jin Y, and Liu W. 2013. Identification of a histone acetyltransferase as a novel regulator of Drosophila intestinal stem cells.  FEBS Lett , 587(10): 1489-1495.

  Su F, Liu X, Liu G, Yu Y, Wang Y, Jin Y, Hu G, Hua S, and Zhang Y. 2013. Establishment and evaluation of a stable cattle type II alveolar epithelial cell line.  PLoS One , 8(9): e76036.

  Yang Y, Jin Y, Lin P, Hu L, Cui C, Li X, Li Q, and Wang A. 2013. The expression and localization of LRF in the female reproductive tract of cycling mice throughout the estrous cycle.  J Immunoassay Immunochem , 34(4): 313-222.

  Yang Y, Jin Y, Martyn A C, Lin P, Song Y, Chen F, Hu L, Cui C, Li X, Li Q, Lu R, and Wang A. 2013. Expression pattern implicates a potential role for luman recruitment factor in the process of implantation in uteri and development of preimplantation embryos in mice.  J Reprod Dev , 59(3): 245-251.

  Yang Y, Lin P, Chen F, Wang A, Lan X, Song Y, and Jin Y. 2013. Luman recruiting factor regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress in mouse ovarian granulosa cell apoptosis.  Theriogenology , 79(4): 633-639. e1-3.

  Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Qiao J, Shi J, Cao Z, Duan E, and Jin Y. 2013. Hormonal regulation of ovarian bursa fluid in mice and involvement of aquaporins. PLoS One, 8(5): e63823.


  1. LRF介导的内质网应激在胚胎着床过程中的作用及其调节机制,国家自然科学基金,2014-2017

  2.  转基因奶山羊新品种培育(2008ZX08008-004;2011ZX08008-004;2014ZX08008-004),生物新品种培育重大专项,2008-2015;

  3.  转基因抗病牛新品种培育(2008ZX01008-004;2011ZX01008-004),生物新品种培育重大专项;2008-2013

  4.  山羊子宫内膜细胞在局部内分泌-免疫调节中的作用(200807120022),博士点基金;

  5.  奶牛乳房炎等重大疾病防治及奶牛胚胎体内外生产技术体系优化(2008K02-01),陕西省科技攻关项目;

  6.  山羊胚胎与子宫内膜细胞对uNK细胞活化和分泌表达的影响,国家自然科学基金;

  7.  山羊胚胎与子宫内膜细胞对CD4+CD25+Tr细胞活化和分泌表达的影响(20090204120011)    博士点基金


  1. 西藏“一江两河”农业开发与青藏高原农业发展研究,教育部科技进步2 等奖

  2. 牛羊基因精确编辑技术研究与应用,陕西省科技进步一等奖,第6名


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