
作者:  来源:  发布日期:2017-07-20 浏览次数:


1. 个人基本信息

南雨辰,男,1985年3月出生,甘肃天水人,美国马里兰大学分子病毒学博士学位,陕西省青年百人计划入选者; 副教授;博士生导师 。2015年9月入职365.com,目前从事家畜重大病毒性疫病致病机制研究,自入职以来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672534),国家十三五重点研发计划动物疫病生物防治性制剂研制与产业化专项课题(2017YFD0501004),中国科协青年人才托举计划,留学人员科技活动择优资助项目及校级引进人才科研启动经费多项。

2. 教育经历



2009年-2014年:美国马里兰大学,分子病毒学,博士(Ph. D.);




3. 研究方向





4. 参讲课程







5. 学术兼职

(1)2012起:美国病毒学会(American Society of Virology)正式会员(非学生会员或联合会员)


(3)兼任下列杂志特邀审稿人( Ad hoc Reviewer )

Virology, (病毒学;SCI影响因子3.35)

American Journal of Translation Research (美国转化医学杂志;SCI影响因子3.146)

Beneficial Microbes (益生菌杂志;SCI影响因子3.301)

International Journal of Molecular Medicine (国际分子医学杂志;SCI影响因子2.348)

Medical Science Monitor (医学科学检测;SCI影响因子1.45)

Evidence based Complementary and Alternative medicine(循证替代医学杂志;SCI影响因子1.931)

World Journal of Gastroenterology (世界消化医学杂志;SCI影响因子2.787)

Virus Research(病毒学研究;SCI影响因子2.87)

Virology Journal(病毒学杂志;SCI影响因子2.09)

Veterinary Microbiology, (兽医微生物学;SCI影响因子2.56)

PLoS One, (公共科学图书馆 综合;SCI影响因子3.03)

Biomedical Research International, (国际生物医学研究;SCI影响因子2.134)

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, (动物免疫及免疫病理学,SCI影响因子1.9)

6. 发表论文及获得专利


United States Patent Granted (美国国家专利局专利号码:8906385B2): An Interferon-inducing Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Isolate. Patent application granted. (申请日期 filed date: Dec 3, 2012, 批准日期granted date Oct 16, 2014专利生效日期Dec 9, 2014,专利保护期20年)

链接Link: http://www.google.com/patents/US20130183329



[1].Taofeng Du, Yuchen Nan, Shuqi Xiao, Qin Zhaoand En-Min Zhou; Antiviral Strategies against PRRSV Infection, Trends in Microbiology, 2017, (共同第一作者;影响因子:11.02)

[2].Yuchen NanChunyan Wu, GuoqianGu, Weirao Sun and En-Min Zhou; Improved Vaccine against PRRSV: Current progress and future perspective, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, (影响因子:4.02)

[3].Liping Yang,  Rong Wang, Zexu Ma, Yueqiang Xiao, Yuchen Nan, Yu Wang, Shaoli Lin and Yan-Jin Zhang. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Antagonizes JAK/STAT3 Signaling via Nsp5 by Inducing STAT3 Degradation, Journal of Virology, 2017, 91, (影响因子:4.6)

[4].ShahidFaraz Syed, Yani Sun, TaofengDua, Yiyang Chen, Baoyuan Liu, XinjieWanga,Huixia Li, Yuchen Nan, En-Min Zhou and Qin Zhao. Evaluation of recombinant Chinese avian hepatitis E virus (CaHEV) ORF2and ORF3 proteins for protection of chickens against CaHEV infection, Vaccine, 2017,(35)3482–3489,(影响因子:3.235)

[5]. Zexu Ma, Ying Yu, Yueqiang, Xiao, TanjaOpriessnig, Rong Wang, Lipiong Yang, Yuchen Nan, Siba K Samal, Patrick G Halbur and Yan-Jin Zhang, The middle half genome of interferon-inducing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strain A2MC2 is essential for interferon induction, Journal of General Virology, 2017,(影响因子:3.18)


[1]. Yuchen Nan and Yan-Jin Zhang; Molecular Biology and Infection of Hepatitis E Virus, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, (通讯作者;影响因子:4.12)

[2]. YonglinYang,Shaoli Lin,Yuchen Nan, Zexu Ma, Liping Yang, and Yan-Jin Zhang;  A Linear Surface Epitope in a Proline-Rich Region of ORF3 Product of Genotype 1 Hepatitis E Virus. Viruses 8(8). 2016, doi: 10.3390/v8080227,(影响因子:3.042)

[3]. JimingGao, ShuqiXiao,Yihong Xiao, XinjieWang, Zhang C, Qin Zhao, Yuchen Nan , BaichengHuang , HongliangLiu, Liu N, Lv J, Du T, Sun Y, Mu Y, Wang G, Syed SF, Zhang G, Hiscox JA, Goodfellow I, Zhou EM. 2016. MYH9 is an Essential Factor for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection. Scientific Report 6:25120;(影响因子:5.228)

[4].YonglinYang, Yuchen Nan, Cai, Jie, Xu, Jiling, Zuhu Huang,  XubingCai, The Thr to Met substitution of amino acid 118 in Hepatitis B virus surface Antigen escapes from immune assay based screening of blood Donors, Journal of General Virology; 2016;97:1210-1217;(影响因子:3.192)

[5]. Yueqiang Xiao, Zexu Ma , Rong Wang, Liping Yang, Yuchen Nan, Yan-Jin Zhang, Downregulation of protein kinase PKR activation by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus at its early stage Infection, Veterinary Microbiology, 2016, 187: 1-7;(影响因子:2.564)

[6]. Zexu Ma , Ying Yu, Yueqiang Xiao, TanjaOpriessnig, Rong Wang, Liping Yang, Yuchen Nan, Siba K. Samal, Patrick Gerard Halbur and Yan-Jin Zhang, Sustaining Interferon Induction by a High-Passage Atypical Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Strain, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:36312;(影响因子:5.228)


[1]. Yuchen Nan ,Ma, Zexu,Kannan, Harilakshmi,Stein, David A,Iversen,Patrick ,Meng, Xiang-Jin,Zhang, Yan-Jin, Inhibition of hepatitis E virusreplication by peptide-conjugated morpholino oligomers.,AntiviralResearch, 2015, 120: 134-139; (影响因子:4.909)

[2]. New insights into virus–cell interactions during HEV infection: The double roles of HEV in IFNs induction (邀稿文章). Chunyan Wu, Yuchen Nan and Yan-Jin Zhang;Future Virology; 2015;10(4): 439-448 (共同第一作者) (影响因子:1.0)


[1]. Yuchen Nan, Guoxin Nan and Yan-Jin Zhang: Interferon Induction and Antagonism by RNA Viral Pathogens. Viruses;2014,  6 (12), 4999-5027(影响因子:3.042)

[2]. Yuchen Nan, Ying Yu, Zexu Ma, Sunil Khattar, Brenda Fredericksen, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Hepatitis E Virus Inhibits Type I Interferon Induction by ORF1 Product. Journal of Virology;2014; 88(15): 01935-14;(影响因子:4.606)

[3]. Yuchen Nan, Zexu Ma, Rong Wang, Ying Yu, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Enhancement of interferon induction by ORF3 product of hepatitis E virus. Journal of Virology; 2014; 88(15):8696-705;(影响因子:4.606)


[1]. Rong Wang, Yueqiang Xiao, TanjaOpriessnig, Yi Ding, Ying Yu, Yuchen Nan, Zexu Ma, Patrick G Halbur, Yan-Jin Zhang: Enhancing neutralizing antibody production by an interferon-inducing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strain. Vaccine; 2013; 31(47):5534-43. ;(影响因子:3.413)

[2]. Rong Wang, Yuchen Nan, Ying Yu, Zengqi Yang, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Variable interference with interferon signal transduction by different strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Veterinary Microbiology; 2013; 166(3-4):493-503.;(影响因子:2.564)

[3]. Ying Yu, Rong Wang, Yuchen Nan, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Induction of STAT1 Phosphorylation at Serine 727 correlates with elevation of inflammatory gene expression by PRRSV. PLoS One 2013; 8(4):e61967. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061967;(影响因子:3.057)

[4].Rong Wang, Yuchen Nan, Ying Yu, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Nsp1β Inhibits Interferon-Activated JAK/STAT Signal Transduction by Inducing Karyopherin-α1 Degradation, Journal of Virology 2013; 87(9):5219-28.;(影响因子:4.606)


[1].Yuchen Nan, Rong Wang, Meiyan Shen, Kay S. Faaberg, Siba K. Samal, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Induction of Type I Interferons by a Novel Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Isolate. Virology 2012; 432:261-270;(影响因子:3.200)

[2]. Yanjin Zhang, Deendayal Patel, Yuchen Nan andSumin Fan: Inhibition of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by morpholino oligomers. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2012,30:S33-S33; (影响因子:2.348)

[3].KritRitthipichai, Yuchen Nan, IoannisBossis, Yan-Jin Zhang: Viral FLICE Inhibitory Protein of Rhesus Monkey Rhadinovirus Inhibits Apoptosis by Enhancing Autophagosome Formation. PLoS ONE 2012; 7(6): e39438. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039438;(影响因子:3.057)


[1].Yan-Jin Zhang, Deendayal Patel, Yuchen Nan, and Sumin Fan: Inhibition of Early Lytic Genes of Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus by Antiviral Morpholino Oligomers Leads to Engraftment Suppression of Primary Effusion Lymphoma in SCID Mice.  Antiviral Therapy 2011; 16:657-66;(影响因子:3.774)


[1].Deendayal Patel, Yuchen Nan, Meiyan Shen, KritRitthipichai,Xiaoping Zhu, and Yan-Jin Zhang: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Inhibits Type I IFN Signaling by Blocking STAT1/STAT2 Nuclear Translocation,Journal of Virology, 2010. 84(21):11045-11055;(共同第一作者) (影响因子:5.06)

[2]. Yuchen Nan, Deendayal Patel and Yan-Jin Zhang: Inhibition of KSHV-associated lymphoma engraftment in SCID mouse by morpholino oligomers,Infectious Agents and Cancer, 2010. 5(Suppl 1);(影响因子:1.718)




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